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Benedikt Steger


I am a software engineer living in the Zürich area in Switzerland. After the GIScience master degree from the University of Zürich, I specialized on database design (SQL). Since Lisp to the best of my knowledge has become too unpopular to be taught at the University of Zürich, at the ETH Zürich or at the MIT in Boston (USA), I learned Common Lisp in an autodidactic way with the help of MIT's curricula, always focussing on practical use.

I am able to intelligibly communicate complex computer structures. Additionally, I am able to precisely understand the needs of customers and help with the formulation of those needs. I am able to structurally translate them to the domains of computer languages, always with a special eye for computer security. I acquired those abilities through the years at the Literargymnasium Rämibühl (ZH), where I finished with the Matura 2010.


You can reach me by email. Those interested in PGP can download my public PGP key.



Ben's insight

Complexity control is all about tailored languages, and Common Lisp "are" the tailored languages that successfully control complexity.

Bright future

In the future, computers will write software. Why? Because Common Lisp will be well known.

Unreal programmers

Unreal programmers use a pure, unadorned language. They can even identify your requirements as a consequence.

Could be from 47°20'22"N 8°37'59"E

No, no, no; I recommend this risk reduction not only because of the competitive advantage - this "Lisp thing" serves as an exclusive and prestigious idea for years to come!

The best talent

The best talent avoids accidental complexity, frames the essential complexity according to the team's understanding, integrates invisibly, performs productively, keeps delivering during demanding times and is retrained quickly. Who would have thought that I am speaking of Common Lisp?


Even the resurfaced symbolic programming approach resulted in activity in the Broca area (p<0.0001). Our research consequently shows that non-instrumental music is unsuitable for programming tasks to a high degree.
[Prerendered file]


I take your privacy seriously and I try to turn logging off wherever possible.

The afterthoughts are Copyright © 2022 Benedikt Steger. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify these documents under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html.

The introduction presentation to TOO is Copyright © 2022 Benedikt Steger and licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

The file symbolic-expressions.lisp.txt is Copyright © 2022 Benedikt Steger and licensed to you under the Creative-Commons-0 license (CC-0, public domain).

The Advent of Code 2021 solutions and TOO are Copyright © 2022 Benedikt Steger and free&libre software (AGPLv3+). Consult the source code for details.

The ark application icon is released under the GPLv2+ license, the printer symbol under the LGPLv2.1+ license.

The rest of this website (PGP key, handout, main page) is Copyright © 2022 Benedikt Steger. Unless explicitly expressed otherwise, permission is granted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of the rest of the website, but changing them is not allowed. All rights reserved.